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Whether you’re stuck in a cycle of debt, have a major financial goal to reach, or simply want to learn how to protect your savings, you will need help from experts to get on track with your objectives. Cover Your Assets is the leading financial radio show and source of valuable, cutting-edge insights and knowledge on how to improve and take control of your finances.

Hosted by Todd Rooker, a well-known financial strategist in Minnesota, the weekly radio show will help you understand your money and improve your ability to spend, save, and invest. Cover Your Assets is now available on demand on YouTube. Subscribe to our official channel, CoverYourAssets21, and be updated with the latest information and happenings in the finance world

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The foundation of solid financial management includes having the right knowledge and resources. When you tune in to our episodes on YouTube, you get access to useful information that can help you make better decisions regarding your finances. Cover Your Assets can help you:
Rising from financial challenges like debt, bankruptcy, foreclosure, and defaults may seem impossible, but with proper guidance and support, you can resolve your problems and find financial freedom. Cover Your Assets provides realistic tips for settling your debts, options after a financial crisis, and solutions to your financial problems.

When you feel like your finances are in a situation with no way out, remember that you have numerous options to finally achieve your financial goals. Todd Rooker will be your personal financial strategist. He will introduce you to various saving, retirement, loan, and investment options.

Rebuilding your finances after setbacks will require sets of action steps. At Cover Your Assets, you’ll learn how to reevaluate your situation, redefine your goals, and recalibrate your plan for your finances. Todd Rooker will provide you with helpful tips and achievable solutions, so you can get back on your feet financially.

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